sâmbătă, 14 aprilie 2012

Two from Team Poison arrested in MI6 hotline phone hack

Police in the UK have arrested two teens as part of an investigation into illegal recordings of conversations on Scotland Yard’s anti-terror hotline, which were later posted on Youtube. Two teenage boys aged 16 and 17 years have been arrested in the West Midlands in connection with an investigation into reports that hackers accessed Scotland Yard's anti-terror hotline.

The hackers claimed to have carried out the cyber-attack in response to the alleged detention of innocent people on terrorism charges and the recent ruling to deport a number of terror suspects to the United States. 

In the recording of the conversation, two people are heard discussing an earlier alleged attack in which a group calling themselves TeamPoison (TeaMp0isoN) apparently jammed the hotline by bombarding it with calls from computers.
"We are confident the communication systems have not been breached and remain, as they always have been, secure," said Met Police director of information Ailsa Beaton.

They claimed they can listen into calls on the confidential hotline at any time and described the Metropolitan Police's security as an "illusion"."It took no skill whatsoever. It was pretty much an in-and-out job. It was pretty much simple. They use an old phone system," a purported member of the group said.

It is understood Team Poison used readily available software to bombard the Scotland Yard phone line, but routed the activity through a computer server based in Malaysia in order to cover their tracks.

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