vineri, 10 februarie 2012

TeaMp0isoN Leaks Military Bank Accounts in Support for Syria

The famous hacktivist collective TeaMp0isoN continues to hack websites that belong to governments they consider corrupt and violent. Their latest hack’s purpose was to support the Syrian people in their fight against the local government and, as a result, they leaked tons of banking information.

“Last few days I was looking at what’s happening in Syria, crimes, killing, and it’s all done by Syrian government. We need YOU people to open your eyes, and we need you to complain to your government about this, because they are not preventing this,” Phantom said.

The first part of the massive data leak comprises image files representing scanned bank checks, invoices, and bank account numbers written down on pieces of paper. Apparently the data originates from Spanish government sites, most of the checks bearing the name of the world-renowned electronics manufacturer Dell.

For a skilled individual, the data may be enough to commit fraudulent activities.

“That’s why this release is coming out. We will have govts to look at what we, 99%, can do. Nothing is secure anymore, their servers are compromised, we are using their tactics against them, we made them fear us, we made them notice [expletive] that is done in their dark rooms, and all of their choices that are destructive for this world.”

It seems as the members of TeaMp0isoN are committed to doing their best in helping out people in poor countries where the governments respond to protests with violence.

Not long ago, they managed to leak 26,000 Israeli credit cards which they used to make donations to Palestinian charities and then they showed their support for the Nigerian people by hacking into some major government sites, obtaining and publishing highly sensitive data from their servers.

They’re also the ones responsible for hacking a United Nations website and the site of the telecoms company T-Mobile.

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