In this days I have written several times regarding surveillance systems and the huge business around it. Private companies, government agencies and cyber units are all working to develop new tools to spy on wide audience.
This tools are really attractive for those governments that desire to monitor and pursue dissident, in many cases these application arming the hands of the Executioner.
A spyware is a tool and it could be used for good purposes as bad ones, we cannot demonize them, however, we must remain outraged when the companies in the name of money violate all kinds of rules to make profit at the expense of the human rights.
It’s normal at this point that the voice of Anonymous thunder in defense of these rights by bringing the light of the sun a problem that is often shelved for obvious reasons, to talk about certain issues is inconvenient and detrimental to the interests of many.
We are facing with a growing and profitable market that has too much shadow starting from the names of the players that operate on it.
This time Anonymous has started an operation named #opTrapware that targets the massive surveillance project named Trapwire after that WikiLeaks has recently disclosed information regarding a global system of surveillance run by the U.S. government.On August 12 the group of hacktivist has published on Anonpaste a call to arms in order to “initiate the doom of this evil and misbegotten program (TrapWire).”
Which are the revelation made by Wikileaks?
At the beginning of August Wikileaks published documents related to intelligence firm Stratfor describing the massive electronic spying system run by the U.S. government.
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