duminică, 3 noiembrie 2019

Fresh Ursnif (GOZI/ ISFB) campaign

Some Russian campaign running over leaked email spreads different kind of malware. Today on Yahoo mail has come some fresh Ursnif with 0 detections. |
The domain used for my email was inactive and there was no file for download, but I found it somewhere else.
In the pictures below will find the research steps:
Was easy to find a sample of malware using the SHA256 (d6c0ca87f712c0633eab5ac020ceaad2e256cd3251808ce7c7b45faf4042123e) on Google.
The .zip file is detected and this may be an advantage for the users IF they are using the Antivirus that have on his database this sample… but this is another discussion…
At this moment the VirusTotal says 18/57.. so is going to be better in a few hours.
Now.. extracting them one by one we have a good encrypted malware named Ursnif (GOZI/ ISFB). This malware is trying to steal baking credentials from his victims and the hacker may have access to the system.
I will not explain the whole process at this time but the way to do that you will find it on the recent post I’ve made:
Useful links:
Urlscan with samples
VirusTotal .zip
VirusTotal .js
VirusTotal .bin

sâmbătă, 7 septembrie 2019

Malware analysis Gozi IFSB – Bank Trojan aka Ursnif

This is the Gozi IFSB malware, created to steal data & informations from the victims. In the folder you will see all the files needed to create your own malware server.
For this malware analysis I will use an .bin found after google search.
Cyber security - Malware analysis
With this .bin file I will be 2 steps closer for the analysis. I don’t have the .doc/.pdf file with the payload, but the .bin is the downloaded file resulted from the payload.
I will transform the .bin file to infected.exe(10000.exe)!
MD5: e6d118192fc848797e15dc0600834783
SHA1: 16d5ded68677f4a870423d3fd30da8377a5b2408
Let’s go to security manipulation and creation of the malware on the system. The $LN33 it is exported by the executable, after that will jump to C Runtime Library.
Calling the security_init_cookie for buffer overrun protection to comprommise the system security.
Cyber security - Malware analysis Prodefence SRL
Let’s run the infected file to see his actions!
I see that the explorer.exe has some activiti.
Cyber security - Malware analysis
SC Prodefence SRL
Cyber security – Malware analysis
There I have some movements… let’s go to \Roaming\MIcrosoft\ to see the new folder created ‘BthM300C’.
SC Prodefence SRL
An executable(the same .exe with diffrerent name) created in new folder after runed the infected.exe / D3DCsapi.exe aka 1000.exe
Cyber security - Malware analysis
The Registry.
Cyber security - Malware analysis
Prodefence SRL
Now… the explorer.exe.
24 .dll are suspicious.
That means some of them are from the injection process.
Cyber security - Malware analysis
explorer.exe (2304)  – 52074 –
This is an Google Cloud Platform and the explorer.exe has some connections there.
  • Port: 62809, Dst Port: 53
  • Standard query response 0xd314 Server failure
  • ns1.suspended-domain.com
  • Standard query response 0xd314 Server failure
  • ns1.suspended-domain.com
  • Port: 58097, Dst Port: 53
  • ns1.suspended-domain.com
databasecollection.pw  OK
  • Port: 62809, Dst Port: 53
  • Pubkey: 04b7b8c4d1d482255514ccf90c896acb7b5baaa7208eea67
Name Servers:
  • ns4.sinkhole.ch
  • ns3.sinkhole.ch
  • ns2.sinkhole.ch
  • ns1.sinkhole.ch
Now … becouse I have some extra informations.. I will try to find more infected domains.
The Gozi malware is using friendly websites to infect the visitors, others trojans or payloads included on .doc files, for better security bypass.
Virus Total Report
sinkhole.ch server hosting malware
About Gozi(Ursniff)